What’s a Mail Fail? When a direct mail mail fails to: target the proper audience and/or other fun errors such as typos.
The other day I literally received three Mail Fails in one day! I was thrilled and entertained by these off-the-mark and mailers:
1) Toyota Wants Your Car! I received this official looking letter from a local Toyota dealer. According to the letter, they NEED my 04 Corolla on their used car lot and because of my status as their customer, they will reward me with a great deal on a new Toyota. That’s funny, I bought my Toyota at another dealer in town…so I guess not being a customer has its rewards in this case!

2) Pretend AD to Pretend Designer: “Why save money on postage in these tough economic times? Let’s put the postcard inside a clear envelope so we can pay full postage on the mailing and how In-Housers how we can save them money!”

3) Dear Nick, Rick, Whatever: I’ve saved the best for last. This gem starts off on a good note… they have my name on the front…

Wait a minute, what the heck is that in the upper left? It looks like a bee fighting a spider! Are these the “customers” I’m supposed to attract? Not sure I want to attract bugs, especially not ones that sting/bite. You’re starting to lose me here…

And now, you’ve completely lost me…

Rick?! Seriously? If you’re going to use variable data, please don’t drink and work with databases!

While targeted marketing and variable data can go wrong, done properly, it can be a great tool to help reach your target audience. Don’t let these poor examples scare ya away, just keep them in mind and don’t do what they did so your mailpiece rocks!