Dream Pig in 2012

I had a dream where there were pig shaped clouds against a pink colored sky. I woke up and had the title of the piece: When Pigs Fly. The idea stuck with me and I finally had some time this year to give the idea a whirl.

After creating the pig and his fancy wings out of basic shapes in Adobe Illustrator, I set up the basic layout. And it was perfect. I didn’t need the clouds. Oh, I tried to add the clouds, but they wouldn’t take. The clouds were too much, too overdone. The pig was perfect. But he just needed a tagline to describe his joy of flight.

We all dream big, but not too many of us Dream Pig: bigger than big, that impossible dream we hold dear to our hearts no matter what. Some folks give up on their dreams, but not those who Dream Pig. So in 2012 and beyond, don’t just dream big, Dream Pig.

And if you want to show the world that you do Dream Pig, you can pick up some Dream Pig merch over at my Zazzle shop.